
Welcome To The Homegirls Guide & Our New Bella Doña App
Welcome to the neighborhood, Homegirls! Sharing with y’all on IG for the last 9 years has meant so much! Every day I post a thought (aka emotion, aka meme lol) and instantly feel the sisterhood that we build in real time through hundreds of comments we get back. Talking to y’all about real shit, things we are going through, and our hopes for the future has made our brand what it is today—there is simply no Bella Doña without YOU. Y’all instantly become our Homegirls the minute you chime in with a personal story or dream. But, with all of the changes on social media, between algorithms and censorship, we really can’t chop it up with you any way we want. Luckily, now we have HERE!!! We created this app to build us our own sacred space. A place to gather, talk, blog, pod and shop!